ANRI 4th DAY – 2016

(Bahasa INDONESIA) Early in the morning already up. It still feels tired and sleepy that attacked us. Either the monitoring results at 2 early this morning. There was only feeling tired and exhausted. The hotel clerk was still running routine. Fresh morning atmosphere, quiet, although it still feels quite hot inversely when daylight.
For several days the weather is overcast. While the rain did not come. Heat and sunlight, has been absorbed by tall trees, indeed the order of city chic.
The local government paid little attention to the environment. Cleanliness is also kept here. While citizens also orderly than in some of the areas that we visited. We had looked into the trash which is divided into three parts, to glassware, to the organic and inorganic. And indeed garbage placed at the position of his. It should be our consciousness, how good leadership will not be nothing if it is not supported by the citizens.

Friends one by one it started out. Their faces radiated tremendous fatigue. For several days their labor in forsir. Furthermore, the next job is monitoring – 2 and monitoring – 3. When the author raised this writing, do not carry a laptop, but in a small notebook. It may seem strange in this era of modern technology department to use the book to write notes.
Hotel which we are living quite comfortable to be visited. Location is not too far from ANRI. Every day we just walk to work. Nothing fancy impression when we entered this hotel, because the place is rather ” ulge”, there is only one way in which enough for one car but once inside enough to park several cars.

After a little rest, we came out of their rooms. There is no meaningful activity today, monitoring the activities carried out by some of our friends. It turns out already wet rain … and lunch had to be postponed.
There are some friends, during this break is planning to ITC or mango two had to be canceled. Information from hotel security saying that if the week as usual will experience severe congestion. Jakarta people will be poured into the streets and will likely return until dawn.
Indeed, currently there is no activity that can be done. After the dawn prayer will return monitoring 48 hours. There are several possibilities if unloading of goods will be done in the afternoon, while Monday is expected to be handed over temporary work. Hopefully, the results can be satisfactory for ANRI …

Continued on ANRI 7th DAY…

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